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The board of Chinese Crested Club Sweden
-mardi 15 février 2022
"Chinese Crested Club Sweden is a proud partner of EVG- Eurovetgene since 2018.
This partnership is appreciated by our members and we recommend them to use EVG for DNA testing. We truly recommend Eurovetgene for every owner that needs to sample their dogs. Fast, reliable tests and easy to use platform making it a great way to breed with knowledge."
Christine Spranger, Deutschland
-mardi 15 février 2022
“Sehr gutes Labor für Rassehundezüchter. Große Auswahl verschiedenster Gentests, auch Pakete für spezielle Rassen und Züchterrabatte. Problemlose Bestellmöglichkeit, schnelle Bearbeitung, Ergebnisse vom VDH anerkannt. Sehr freundlicher und kompetenter Kontakt.
Seit Jahren eine große Unterstützung für unsere Hundezucht Shelties vom Ponyhügel, immer gerne wieder!”
Marijana Račić, Retriver klub Hrvatske
-mardi 15 février 2022
“Retriver klub Hrvatske, pasminski klub na nacionalnom nivou, koji služi promociji i uzgoju svih 6 pasmina retrivera, već dugi niz godina surađuje sa EVG. Naši uzgajivači su izuzetno zadovoljni uslugom - brzinom, pristupom, profesionalnošću pa i cijenama testova. Izuzetno nam je drago što je EVG prepoznao bitnost pasminskih klubova. Pasminski paneli za zlatne i labrador retrivere su izuzetno dobra ponuda te uzgajivači sve češće testiraju i pse koje su kupili od drugih uzgajivača i koji su "clear by parentage" kako bi bili sigurni u točnost rezultata. EVG potiče uzgoj čistokrvnih pasa i pomaže u težnji svih etičkih uzgajivača da uzgoje što je zdravije i tipičnije primjerke pasmina. Genetski testovi napravljeni u EVG služe kao odličan alat za selekciju pojedinih uzgojnih kombinacija, kako bi se izbjeglo produciranje affected pasa koji nerijetko razviju genetske bolesti.”
Dimitri KOUGIOULIS, Greece
-mardi 15 février 2022
‘’I just love the site, simple but very professional at the same time and so easy to explore and find all the information you need. I really appreciate the services and friendly attitude. I always recommend EVG laboratory to all my friends and puppy buyers. Keep up the good work!’’
Nina Bogutskaya, Slovenija
-mardi 15 février 2022
‘’Kot vzrediteljica miniaturnih jazbečarjev in psarna Klara Difino, registrirana pri KZS, EVG uporabljam že vrsto let in v zelo številnih primerih za najrazličnejše genetske teste (DNK profil, mutacije bolezni, lokusi barv in dolžina dlake). Nikoli nisem bila razočarana. EVG je vrhunski laboratorij, popolnoma zanesljiv in z zelo prijaznim in ustrežljivim osebjem.’’
Paolo Claudio Rossini, Italy
-mardi 15 février 2022
‘’Mi avvalgo da diversi anni del servizio di EVG ed è sempre stato impeccabile. Non ho mai ricevuto risultati dei test con non siano stati concordanti con altri effettuati da colore che hanno acquistato i miei cuccioli. L’utilizzo della loro pagina web è semplice e non mi ha mai creato problemi. Il loro servizio clienti è gentile ed efficiente. I risultati dei test possono essere ottenuti in tempi ridotti e sempre concordanti con quelli preventivati. Insomma considero EVG un partner affidabile e di qualità.’’
Svetlana Andric, Sanitacteam Day Kennel, Serbia
-mardi 15 février 2022
‘’Controlled breeding with purebreed dogs obliged the responsible breeder to choose genetically certified individuals. The EVG genetic Laboratory is also cited as an accepted recommendation on, the most important evidence for the Golden Retriever breed. My Golden Retriever Kennel rely on EVG data working with them with a great pleasure.’’
Jennifer Bellebeau, Biotiful Gems Kennel, France
-mardi 15 février 2022
‘’Every time that I send an email, I receive a reply within a few minutes. The EVG team is always very fast to reply and always very efficient. I have friends who are also breeders and they also are very satisfied with EVG services and we all agree to say that they are a very serious laboratory! Every time people want to order some genetic tests, I suggest they order via EVG. The results come out very fast compared to other laboratories and the prices are very reasonable.’’
Vesa Kallionluoto, Connection & Siljans int´l papillons, Finnish KC DNA collector and Microchipper
-mardi 15 février 2022
‘’I am Finnish Kennel club official certified DNA sample taker (only vets and KC certified people can take official samples in Finland) and very active international papillon breeder also.During the years I have used EVG laboratories several times and I have been very pleased about the customer service as well as with the quick delivery. My e-mails have always been answered very nicely and quickly. I find it also very nice that EVG offers so many different tests and of course breeder discount is very pleasing. So I highly recommend working with EVG and looking forward to the future collaboration.’’